
In our first visit to your property, we discuss your goals and dreams in depth, and identify practical concerns such as drainage or erosion. This is also an opportunity for you to get to know us and determine if we’re a good fit for you. Likewise, we can get a feel for the personality and history of the property, and how you as a unique individual inhabit it. It is less a time to discuss specific design ideas and more to envision possibilities and open the imagination…

The consultation takes an hour and is offered for a fee of $200, which is applied towards any subsequent design work.

Afterwards, we can estimate the hours needed to create a Schematic Design (Stage 2), typically a minimum of 30 hours. The hourly billing rate ranges from $100 to $200 depending on the complexity of the task.

When you approve the estimated design budget, we then formalize our terms of agreement in a contract which explains the process in detail.

Stage 1: Site Analysis ➸